Posted 4 years ago
(3484 items)
Mostly trains this time but starting off with a car. Trains and cars are what Route 66 was and is about. Originally it was the AT&SF rail line. There were town built to support the line with Harvey Houses for travelers and the employees had to live somewhere. Then when automobiles became more common the road was built. Route 66 is a series of roads connected together to form Route 66. This portion is Andy Devine Road in Kingman.
Up first. Vintage truck in front of Mister D's Diner.
Across the street is a park with a rather beefy 4-8-4 AT&SF (Santa Fe) locomotive. I believe that was the largest locomotive they used.
Next a modern train with 5 locomotives going past the Beale Hotel and coming up on the Kingman station. It wasn't stopping and was going close to 50 MPH. The locomotives put out about 4400 HP each and put out a lot of heat.
Last is the Kingman train station. It was built in 1907 so predates Route 66.
Cool post sounds like you will be having a blast looking forward to more pictures
Lucky you ! I love old route 66 and traveled it many times from California to Wi in my childhood and teens . So much to see and all the fantastic advertising on the way . Have fun :-)
Nice old train station
Thank you very much Olecody. Have a bit more to post.
Thank you very much Manikan. I still need to the nearby end in Santa Monica.
And thank you very much elanski.
Found this video on the internet....