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Buck Toy cap gun with original box and roll of caps

In Toys > Cap Guns > Show & Tell.
Designer's loves1017 of 3255Sunset and Trees Chandelier, Consolidated Lamp and Glass Co., Coraopolis, PA, ca 1910s-1920sPlastic coca cola toy trucks
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (462 items)

    Found this Buck cap gun still in the box at a antique store . Dates to 1955 to 1960 . Brings back memories of my childhood . Going to a local five and dime store . Never could make the roll of caps last very long . Before I new it I would shout Bang! Bang ! your dead. Added some other cap guns Pony boys . Believe the buck gun is rare .

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    1. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 5 years ago
      Nice find. I loved the smell of caps in the morning.....afternoon or night, smells like...victory.
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 5 years ago
      This is awesome!! My younger brother and I had several set of cap pistols and holsters when we were kids in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Sure wish I had taken better care of mine.
    3. ttomtucker ttomtucker, 5 years ago
      Your Buck cap gun was manufactured by Kilgore of Westerville, Ohio, The company was founded in 1917 at Homestead, PA moved to Westerville in 1919. closed it's doors in 1960.

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