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Hubley Cap Gun Smoky Pistol With Holster

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3472 items)

    I have had this little cap gun since 90s. Never bothered to look it up until last night. The only wording on it is "Smoky". Looked that up and it was made by Hubley. The cylinder does not revolve and caps have to be loaded one at a time. The pistol is quite small, only about 5 1/2" long. See the fingers in photo #2. It is a diecast cap gun as opposed to cast.
    The holster and belt are the best part of this set. As they are leather they don't last as long as the pistol. Measured it and looks like it will fit up to a 20" waist.
    I hate doing this but have to guesstimate 1950's to 1960's.

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    1. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you everybody.

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