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Still Yet Again More Cars From the Ontario Route 66 Show

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Cars278 of 1767McDonough BuckBoardBMW 335 XI 2008
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3475 items)

    No time for a scout post but a free bonus post of cars instead. Let u7s look at the cool cars.
    First up a hot rod with dual air filters. Bucket T with a Chevy small block?
    Next is a 56 Bel Air I missed last time as it had the hood up. That one looks great under the hood.
    What is #3? Looks 1940's but I can't find a match to that grill. I like how the headlights are set on the fenders.
    Last is a Volkswagen truck with a double cab. Didn't know they did that then. Has the drop down sides. I am thinking there are not a lot of those around.
    Rose Bowl Flea Market tomorrow. Hopefully I will find some fine finds.


    1. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 5 years ago
      Can't identify #3 but I agree the lights and grill make it extra cool, might be a custom grill. Nice T bucket, can't see the engine close enough to identify. A good way to identify an old Chevy small block is to look for the rear mounted distributor. If that is a factory cross ram manifold it may be an early Mopar W engine. It may be aftermarket, but it looks good on the rod with the low profile. Love these old cars, thanks for sharing.
    2. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 5 years ago
      PS: I should have said a lack of a rear mounted distributor would eliminate it from being a Chevy small block. There are other rear mounted distributor engines other than Chevy, it's not an exclusive identifier of a Chevy Mouse motor. My bad.
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 5 years ago
      Very cool! I'm lovin' that VW truck in pic #4
    4. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much for the info Toyrebel. Will looks for that next time.

      Thank you very much Scott.

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