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Vintage Boss Camp Oven In Better Shape Than It Looks

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3478 items)

    An antiquish item I picked up at the last Rose Bowl. Not 100 years old but getting there I think. This is a small portable ocen used for camping or it can be put over a stove burner.; Might be a challenge to get it to work over a camp fire. I have a grill for camp fire cooking but regulating the temperature is a challenge. I can pretty much cook steaks and hot dogs on a camp fire. Those with more talent and desire to bake could use this.
    These tend to be very rusted and dented but this one is in excellent condition. Has some light rust but not dents. This is still useable. Has two racks for cooking along with the V shaped device on the underside. The bottom is open and there are vents on the sides and back.
    I use these to store various items and the can be hung from the ceiling. The ceiling seems to often be wasted space.

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    1. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you for the loves everyone.

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