Posted 5 years ago
(3484 items)
A fairly realistic almost full scale cap gun version of the famed German Luger. I believe it is about 9/10 scale having compared it to 1:1 model. Made by Lone Star, we are a ways off from yippee yi yay.
In photo #1 it is opened up to show where the roll of caps go.
Photo #2 it is loaded. It is closed up in #3 after I fired off a few caps, just fired off another. Love that smell.
And there it is in my hand where it fits quite well.
Best thing is it doesn't have that stupid orange cap on the barrel. Word to wise do not try pointing the fake guns with the orange cap at a cop. Don't even point with an orange finger. It is not a good idea.
Also note it was made 20 years after the end of WWII.
That's the first cap pistol of that style I've ever seen. Very cool!
Very realistic, me and my son bought some six shooters at a yard sale and at the next yard sale we found a whole pack of unopened caps:)
Thank you very much Scott. Yes that type is not common.
Thank you very much Trey. I bought these caps back in the 90s.
Definitely looked like a real one from the thumbnail. Nice find.
Thank you very much elanski.
I found one in a flea market and paid 20$ for it in decent condition. Was that a fair price?
That is a good price Austin.