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ElReco refinery

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Lakeside Museum7 of 223Frigidaire Porcelain SignElReco refinery
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (950 items)

    We saw this ElReco sign in an antique store in Mo. and decided it would look better in the Lakeside Museum than it did on the top of the cupboard it was on. This is a 42” dsp sign that needs some serious cleaning and shows some obvious wear and tear, but is pretty hard to find these days. It will likely be posted in a Shepard’s pole when we get time.

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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      Admittedly without doing even the slightest google search right now to find out for myself, does "El Dorado Refining Company/ELRICO" have any connection to/with El Dorado AR?? Like the northern parts of LA (just to the south of me, and indeed lots of TX also nearby) I do realize that that area kinda *used* to be (anyways, still sorta, a little anyways?) a 'good oil drilling' place...but I also admit I'm not all up on the history of what all those companies were/are now. "Magnolia" is another brand (which I'm pretty sure you also have signs from) is another old fuel name I likewise really don't know much about, other than that they were also started in southern AR...?
    2. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 5 years ago
      Great questions and a few years ago I probably could have told you but these days I seem to be short on exact history of many of the old Oil Companies. I think ElRico was located in ElDorado Texas where they had a refinery but they may have been big in other states as well. Just can’t remember. Sorry, but I’m sure others will have your answers, just like I used to would have had when I was younger and smarter
    3. purvis purvis, 5 years ago
      Looks like your pick up some good signs in the great state of Missouri . But you did not get them all . You drove right buy the one of the biggest collections in the state .
    4. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 5 years ago
      What collection did I miss and where is it?
    5. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 5 years ago
      I confess that I’m just a Bottom Fish Collector and don’t know many of the big league collectors. We’re nobodies in the Collectors world, but do have the largest Pole Sign Collection around. That, of course, was quite by accident.

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