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My Mighty Mega Mine Matchbox Monday K-19 King Size Scammell Tipper Truck 1967-1968

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Matchbox Cars229 of 595I HAVE 16 MATCHBOX MODELS FROM THE 1960'sMercury Moving Matchbox Monday MB-13 Dodge Wreck Truck 1695-1969
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3476 items)

    My mighty mine was the Long Beach Antique Flea Market. Just bought a couple but there was much more. I like to spread out my shopping money and get some this and that.
    Next a tipper truck is English for a dump truck. Let's see what there is to say about it. The dump bed goes up and down or the tipper tips. It has a plastic bit that keeps the dump bed in place. The early Matchbox tippers require finger support and tipper doesn't stop at the proper angle in the dumping position. This one does stop at the proper angle. There is no interior but it does have "glass". Has a nice pair of horns over the cab. This model was introduced in 1967 and sold in this configuration until 1971 when it got turned into a racing dump truck with superfast wheels and painted in metallic red and yellow.
    Now for the exciting box section. This box type doesn't really have a name. It is known as a window box with interior illustration which is more of a description than a name. It was used in 1967 and 1968. In 1969 and 1970 a box with a plain blue interior was used. I think this box with the illustration inside is much nicer.

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    1. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 5 years ago
      Another nice Matchbox share. With the mandatory perfect color selection they excelled at during that time. I'm going to need some verification on a Matchbox I picked up, Apache. Hopefully I'll post it this week. Pray for me to not have caught the Matchbox bug from you, I've got too many irons in the fire already.
    2. elanski elanski, 5 years ago
      The horns on top of the cab are a nice touch
    3. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much Toyrebel. I have been passing things up myself as I am trying to focus my collecting. Was collecting too much of everything now just too much of some stuff.

      Thank you very much elanski. The horns make it.
    4. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much WesternPA-Collector. They call what we speak American English.

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