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    Posted 5 years ago

    (130 items)

    Hey you guys, remember me? Lol. I've been dying to post this vase for a couple of years now... but.....better late....

    It's a rare, goblet shaped, Orange Astglass vase with applied, lightly iridised (displaying just a kiss of purple, blue, red and green) clear glass "threads" in a Zig Zag pattern. It measures 5 1/2" high and is in flawless condition.

    I originally bought it to sell as I found it very "unattractive". After it arrived, I shared it with a few other Loetz collectors, and none had ever seen an example... I was advised me not to part with it, and I havent.

    Funny thing is, that after owning it for a while, I've fallen in love with it, and it's become, if not my favorite, one of my favorite Loetz pieces. Thanks for looking!


    Q and Bill T send me a quick text so that I can get your numbers. Bill 302-423-7334 Don't send an email, I'm not getting all of them.

    To the gentleman who contacted me about an I.D.
    I lost all my email accounts, messages, contacts, deleted/saved emails etc. after replacing my burned out cell; yours was included. Please resend your msg.

    Loetz Art Glass
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    Loetz Art Glass Book: 'LOETZ. THE PASSION' - NBVD (2015, English / German edit.)
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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 5 years ago
      Of course we remember you.... Nice surprise and amazing glass!
    2. Rick55 Rick55, 5 years ago
      Thanks Peggy... I said it more tongue in cheek, but I appreciate it.

      Thank you for the kind comment!
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 5 years ago
      It grows on you.
    4. jscott0363 jscott0363, 5 years ago
      Well hello old friend!! So glad to see you back on CW Rick! Thought you were gone for good. Very pleasant surprise to see you posting again!! This is a VERY cool looking piece. I would have kept it too!! Welcome back!!
    5. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Wow, this is fabulous - worth the wait for this magical piece!
    6. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 5 years ago
      really really nice one bill ... hope your both good...
    7. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Hi Rick great to see you, this is a beautiful iridescent vase I love the orange color - missed you, Jenni
    8. larksel larksel, 5 years ago
      Beautiful piece. This is PN II-786. Vase in Creta Rusticana with gold see:
    9. Wow22, 5 years ago
      Agree with LoetzDance. Marvellous glass, interesting description, but dominating script.
    10. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Hey Rick, long time no see! {8}^D What another beauty! I miss you, and your beautiful photography on your posts! I have your number now, if you want to delete it! Take care Rick, and say "Hey" to Gloria, from me! All the Smoke here in California is in my eyes, I'll Call/text you, when I can see! :^)
    11. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      So glad to see you are still around and collecting Rick and Gloria!
      Sorry you have been unwell Rick and I hope things pick up for you.

      I've been pretty in and out here at CW myself due to a whole lot of time consuming stuff which is why I missed this earlier. I still collect (the addiction continues) but don't post so much.

      I hope you both have a happy and healthy 2020!
    12. antiquerose antiquerose, 5 years ago
      Just stunning piece, as always.
      Nice to hear and see a post from you! That's a keeper !!
    13. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 5 years ago
      This is absolutely gorgeous and I love the way you protected your photo! It's the right thing to do so nobody else will be able to steal your photo and use it as theirs!!!
    14. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Hey Rick, it was real nice talkin with you and I'm so happy to hear that You and Gloria, doing good! :^D Take Care my Friend, and we all hope to see a new Glass post on CW soon! :^)
    15. Rick55 Rick55, 5 years ago
      Thanks Rosie... After this, I had intended to post something the following week - that was seven months ago! Lol Good to hear from you!

      Thanks Suzy... Frankly, I received numerous messages in support, so it's not worth talking about and is a dead issue. Talk to you soon????
    16. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 4 years ago
      I miss your posts Rick

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