Posted 5 years ago
(1204 items)
Speaking of garbage finds.... This cast iron griddle measures 11.5" square x 17" handle to handle x 1" high. I was driving to a friend's house and saw this leaning against a pile of refuse waiting to be picked up by the garbage man. For some reason it had been painted matte black. I suppose that someone had been using it as a decoration and didn't want it to rust. I have a largish cast iron collection, so at worst I decided it would be an example of a piece I did not have if I could not clean it up. In the end, though, I had to sandblast it to get it down to bare metal so that I could season it and actually use it. There is a casting error on the cooking surface that looks like a small lump near one side, something I have not seen before or since. I have been using it now for about 15 years for pancakes, etc., and for quite a few years it was my most used piece of cast iron.
BS&R was in existence from 1902-1993.
Amazing what people throw away.
@blunderbuss2 - Agree! I wonder why it didn't occur to whoever tossed this to donate it to a thrift shop!?
Thanks for loving my garbage find!
Thanks Watchsearcher!
What Lard-Ass would castaway a great cast iron griddle!!!
Nice Find!!!
@yougottahavestuff - Right? Thanks for your comment and for loving my griddle!
Thanks for loving my free BS&R griddle, Thomas!
I have a small one like this made by Lodge. Mine is 4 1/2 square at the bottom 5" at the top. Good for one grilled sandwich or egg.
@jfrjr2 - that is just enough to do the job! Thanks for the comment.
Thanks for the griddle love AnythingObscure and fhrjr2!
Thanks for loving my garbage find Collectables59!
Hey Kwqd, you have good garbage. LOL !
@blunderbuss2 - Thanks!
Thanks for loving my trash find Vynil33rpm!
Thanks inwithold!
Thanks for loving my griddle TreasureTex!