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a pile of parachute parts (I think?) & pair of paratrooper boots

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1778 items)

    From the "unexpected crap I now have" collection comes this milk crate +ful of stuff a paratrooper would (did?) use. Funny how it all came to me... ;-) Recently, I sold an item on local CraigsList. When the buyer arrived to pick it up, also noticing the large blue dumpster sitting in the parking lot, she asked if she could unload/throw out some stuff that was otherwise already in the back of her truck. And when I noticed exactly *what* she was intending to unload, I suggested "why don't you just put all that stuff in the back of *my* truck (right here, beside yours) instead...?? And here it all is. <lolol>

    FIRST PIC is the whole pile spread out on my tailgate. There's a triangular iron bar/strap thingie and a bunch of assorted loose straps with very heavy duty looking hardware on the left, numerous likewise seemingly very well made metal (stainless?) handles/brackets with aircraft cable attachments and a parachute bag near the middle, then a full harness (I guess?) with all sorts of straps and substantial hardware of its own, and a pair of black leather paratrooper boots on the right.

    2nd pic is the strap harness showing some lettering on it identifying as made by a parachute company. 3rd pic is closer of the metal triangle thing, straps, handles, & parachute bag. (itself with labels/markings and having a whole fancy looking assortment of expen$ive looking hardware and straps and stuff attached to it inside and out, but not shown) 4th is the boots.

    The 'story' was that all this stuff was "recovered" from a flooded home and that the parachute itself (apparently there had been one too?) had been sold to 'some guy who owns a bar', and she had no further use for any of the rest of it. I, on the other hand, was instantly attracted to the boots (even as admittedly filthy and in need of much further help as they are) not to mention all the rest of the straps and hardware and somesuch in the pile -- only hours later having the chance to dig through it all and see how many various bits of things there really were. The 'bag' and 'harness' do have mfr's info with late 1950's dates on them, a couple other things (including the boots) also have written names presumably identifying their former users. The boots themselves are branded "Para-Saut PARABOOT, made in France".

    Now the only question remaining is: "WTF am I gonna *DO* with it all...?" <LOLOL>


    I found out something to do with the boots anyways...see here: ;-) :-)

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    1. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 5 years ago
      I too would have JUMPED at the chance to get that Stuff!!!
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      THANKS SO MUCH to blunderbuss2, fortapache, Watchsearcher, Brunswick, bobby725, SEAN68, & kwqd for your <love it>s -- also to yougottahavestuff for your fun comment!! Three cheers for *more stuff*!!! <lolol> :-) :-) :-)

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