Posted 5 years ago
(3457 items)
This is a bayonet that has all the bells and whistles including a sheath for a second knife. It also includes wire cutters just like the ones elanski posted recently. Please note the warning label.
I used to live about two miles away for the buck knife factory in El Cajon and I got this over mail order even though I lived two miles away from the buck knife factory. And I even visited there every so often on business to business type business. Should have just gotten one there. Probably could have gotten a discount as I knew some employees. Note every employee got cut now and then.
let's see what other exciting things are on this bayonet there is also saw blade. The Germans in WWI got in trouble for that as it was thought that was for causing more severe wounds. Probably not an issue now as a bayonet is thought of as a tool instead of a weapon. That's a pretty thick blade for a bayonet. Don't think anyone getting stuck with it on the rare chance it is used as a weapon will worry about the saw blade.
I don't recall seeing a bayonet for the M16 before. The warning label is amusing, wouldn't want to get sued I guess. Thanks for sharing I love blades, especially military.
Great bayonet fort, when I think of these it is always as a WW2 weapon, deadly!
I suspect that the "sheath for a second knife" is actually a pouch for a sharpening stone.
I would say this was made and sold for the commercial market between 1989 and 1997. BUCK completed their contract with Phrobis and began selling these commercially with their brand name on them. Actually a company called LeCay took over the BUCK production.
Nonetheless anything marked BUCK is collectable to some extent. I used to collect BUCK knives but have passed them along to my sons.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. As a collector I go for mostly military blades myself. Also I like graphic warning labels.
Thank you very much Newfld. This one is more 1990s.
Thank you very much Onedtent. I did too but looking at it closer it is larger and fits a buck folder perfectly. It is in the sheath but you can't see it.
Thank you very much fhrjr2. This one is from El Cajon. I have the box and all the paperwork. Probably a collector's item now. I should put "Phrobis" in the description.
Warning, when using this killer item you may get hurt.....
Thank you very much racer4four.