Posted 5 years ago
(944 items)
Just a few days after I found and bought the nice 5’ Red Indian gas sign in Ontario Canada I heard from a collector friend in British Colombia about his friend that had these 2 Barnhangers that might be available. The story about things coming in threes proved to be true in this case and we bought these two cool signs to add to the Lakeside Museum collection. I still remember seeing the cool barnhanger Red Indian on the back wall of Dean Smiths Event Center in Gatesville Texas and now I’ve got one rougher than his. What a fun hobby! The big sign is a dsp 6’ and very hard to find in any condition. Unfortunately shipping and crating of barnhangers is the same as for mint signs! :(
Antique Toys
Thx for the love it
Hi Tattletrap...just wanted to thank you for your lovely comments on my ‘truck photos’ was a great time in my life and wouldn’t have missed it for the world..I found just by acting like a lady and not one of the boys was appreciated more...
I can’t remember what I said, but if I said u have cool stuff it’s because u have cool stuff. I find that too few people express their feelings of delight when they see cool stuff and I try to remember how good it feels when those feelings get expressed.
Thx for the love it and comment. Happy Thanksgiving! Isn’t it great to live in America? Land of opportunity. :):)
Oops! I think u live in NZ? Also a land of opportunity. We loved the magnificent natural Beauty of each Island and kindness of the people.
Rare Combo :)
Rough and rare. Thx for the love it