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Kay Displays Sign

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Coke Signs955 of 1123Coca-Cola fishtail signCoca-Cola sign
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (148 items)

    She's a little rough, but I think a real beauty. Happy to bring this one back to Michigan. If anyone has an opinion as to year of manufacture, will be appreciated. Hope everybody's doing well. I enjoy seeing and reading about all your Coca-Cola items.

    Regards, Dave

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    1. cocacola, 14 years ago
      I believe it is from around 1940. A good way of dating an item is the placement of the trademark. I think they moved it to under the logo in 1942 as you can see from looking at serving trays from that time period. I love the sign.
    2. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 14 years ago
      Thanks cocacola.
    3. earlycoke earlycoke, 14 years ago
      Your sign is from 1940-1941. The logo came out of the tale in 1941. I was used most of the time as an indoor sign to hang from the ceiling and point to the cooler. Most likely in a grocery store or something similar.
    4. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 14 years ago
      That info will help me display it with a little authenticity. Hanging from the ceiling... arrow pointed downward at a 45° ... oh yeah! :) thank you Sir.
    5. Cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      Hey daddy nobucks, heard you're from mason, bulldog country. Were not to far apart from each other, I'm just live just north of you, in Holt.
    6. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 14 years ago
      Holt's great! I took my wife to Sammy's for lunch on our first date (she married me anyway). It's a small world Cocacolakid97.
    7. Cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      That's also funny, where I live in Holt, I'm just a walk away from Sammy's, it's a usual hangout place with my friends.

    8. Signaholic Signaholic, 14 years ago
      Wow, this Kay is hard to find at all, well done Dave!
    9. annejest, 13 years ago
      Hi I have been searching the net for info on this sign. I have the ring and arrow, mine is steel painted Gold... New Old stock in Mint condition. I suppose the search for the cooler sign will be a long one? any pointers?(pardon the pun!)
    10. Esther110 Esther110, 13 years ago
      Does the cooler swivel in any way? Cause if it doesn't, pointing the arrow down will make the cooler stand on it's side...
      I really like this one.
      And I have a question for the CC-holics: why are foreign signs less collectable?
    11. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Hi Anne, I think it would be rare to find the sign without the arrow to pair up with yours, though anything is possible. I've seen this particular sign c0me up twice on eBay over the past year, both were complete. I think you could sell yours pretty easily, maybe to a buyer who had the sign w/damaged arrow. Good Luck!

      Esther, I enjoy your posts! The arrow does indeed swivel and can be pointed in any direction. I have my aiming up, because that just looks right, for where it's hanging. Someday I hope to have a Westinghouse cooler down here, then I'll move the sign and aim it down pointing at the cooler.

      Have a Good Day Ladies!

    12. MeBryars2018, 6 years ago
      We are looking for the ring and arrow. Annejest, do you still have one available? Probably a long shot seeing that it has been 8 years since your post.

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