Posted 5 years ago
(3457 items)
The best secret Santa present ever! It's a Deaf Leaf Mantis which is dead this a dead Dead Leaf Mantis. The Dead Leaf Mantis mimics a a dead leaf for camouflage. There is also a green version for the live leaves.
The display case on this is 5" x 6" so that should give one an idea of the size of this mantis. Not huge but still respectable. To back up a bit photo #1 is the underside and #2 is the top. This one is displayed with an underside view. Usually it is the other way around but not always. But regardless it looks like a dead leaf.
In the meantime the Merry Christmas tree has had some issues but it is good enough for Charlie Brown.
Never seen or heard of it before. Zoltar would fall in love.
Merry Christmas.
hank you very much keramikos. No worries here about naughty cards.
Thank you very much Toyrebel (it's Zorak and Moltar which I shall not mention).
Quite the critter
Thank you very much olecody.
I don't like things like that. Ut it is pretty cool.. Merry Christmas!!!
Thank you very much WideAwake. Merry Christmas!
I 'm just glad spiders cant fly
Happy New Year to you!
Happy New Year Mrstyndall!