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The Cavalier Year Book 1937

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (67 items)

    Old yearbook from 1937, the high is named Central High School in Cookeville, Tennessee. I found this yearbook at a yard sale in Hemet, California. I was buying some books and the guy said if I buy two books he will throw in the year book I said fine and now I have a very old yearbook that belongs to Dimple and Mary Frances Veteto.

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    1. rhondalorraine, 4 years ago
      Love this. This was my grandmother's high school! She should have been a senior that year—Jewell Howard. If you still have the book and know where it is, I would love to know if she's in there. I don't know if she graduated since she was helping care for her sister-in-law that spring.
    2. Gonavy Gonavy, 4 years ago
      rhonda lorraine, Glad you like the year book and I will see if I can find your grandmother name and if successful will contact you.
    3. Gonavy Gonavy, 4 years ago
      rhondalorraine: I found your grandmother Jewell Howard in the Year Book and she was a senior pretty cool.
    4. keramikos, 4 years ago
      Gonavy, Cool. :-)

      rhondalorraine, I realize that this isn't quite as good as the 1937 yearbook, but e-yearbook dot com has the 1935 edition:
    5. keramikos, 4 years ago
      rhondalorraine, BTW, while you can't truly expand the pages of the 1935 yearbook at that e-yearbook dot com site without either an account or a purchase, I can see your grandmother's name on page 33, and her picture must be the one in the top row next to the blank rectangle.
    6. rhondalorraine, 4 years ago
      That is so cool! Thank you!
      I actually have the 1935 yearbook photo and copies of it through Ancestry, but the spring of 1937 ended up being pretty eventful for her, taking care of a pregnant sister-in-law who died after giving birth. She was actually 20 when she was a senior, because she took time off of school to get Red Cross Certified for home care of the sick and helped her mom take care of her dad before he died. It's nice to know she at least started her senior year in high school.
    7. keramikos, 4 years ago
      rhondalorraine, You're welcome. :-)

      I tried to find a soft copy online of the 1937 edition, but no joy. :-(

      Your grandmother's story is a poignant one of somebody who truly sacrificed for others.
    8. Gonavy Gonavy, 4 years ago
      rhondalorraine: You have a good grandmother who sacrificed some of her high school education to help care for her sick dad. I hope your grandmother had a good life after high school.

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