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Cool 19th c Photograph of Mill Workers and Ration Stamps

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (5053 items)

    I found this photo today - it was in really rough shape with some water damage. i cleaned it up as much as possible. Parts of the photo are stuck on the inside of the glass - i didn't touch those, so it's all there but.... does anyone recognize what kind of mill it is? and why are there ration stamps in there and what were they for? nothing written anywhere except an f/c handwritten on the back of the photo in pencil.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      They all look so clean, well groomed. It must be just before they begin their work day.
      I hope the little girl is not an employee, but before child labor laws, she could have been.
      I do not recognize the machines but it looks as if each machine with a basket below it is a work station for each man.
      I hope someone knows more than I do, ‘cause I was not very helpful.
    2. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 5 years ago
      no problem Watch. we all learn through surmising and posting our thoughts fearlessly. i'd love to know more about the ration tickets too. does anyone have more insight into this cool photo?
    3. scottvez scottvez, 5 years ago
      WW2 ration stamps applied to an earlier photo (1890s- 1910s). Don't know what they are manufacturing.

      Don't have any idea what bb is going for with slavery comments-- don't see any relevance to this photograph.


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