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Greenlight Down On the Farm Series 2 1948 Ford 8N

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3475 items)

    Just picked this up today and picked it over the many other models available. I think it is because this one is weathered and dirty. It was made that way. faded paint and dirt on the tires. That would be the normal for a tractor.
    This one appears to be the actual m1:64 scale as are most of the other Greenlight 1/64 models. In the last photo I included a Matchbox tractor (also a Ford). The Greenlight one is much smaller and in scale with the Nomad station wagon.
    Again there is ever so much detail on this. It may be small but you still get your money's worth on this.

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    1. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 5 years ago
      I like the weathering, that's how a real farm working tractor looks, not like the ones with high gloss paint in the commercials. My old man had a 2N, drove it many times, it was a reliable workhorse.
    2. flashlarue flashlarue, 5 years ago
      Isn't it an 8N?
    3. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much Toyrebel. That is how most of the ones I see look.

      Thank you flashlarue. Oops.

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