Posted 5 years ago
(436 items)
An Ebay seller saw I collected insect jewellery and showed me this "worm"... pic#4
It mesures 7.7cm long or 3"!
Hallmarked with the French boar's head for silver.
I made a sketch to get the good proportion for prosthetic wings... Put the frame made with brass wire on a Scotch tape, then painstakingly used jeweller's pinch to put curved and cut to fit the pattern bits of wire!
Then drops of cyanoacrylate gap filling glue "hot stuff" trade mark hardened with accelerator curing spray.
When fully hard, I carefully removed the Scotch tape, then filled some remaining lacks with same stuff.
I had to remove the faux sapphire to fix the wings in the "box" and I realised I didn't have any convenient stone to go with it for the lacking replacement...Set some tiny cz for the eyes...Found 2 convenient peridots for the thorax and a trembler hair pin with matching size of screw to fit the mounting
Slight color on the back of the wings with permanent markers, adjust the wires inside the boxes, poured drops of "Diamond Glaze" inside before pushing the peridots in place.
Hard part was to wait for the glue fully dried before screwing the hair pin in place and see it trembling on the pin :-D
Marvelous transformation, the wings make all the difference and the elegant worm has become a fabulous dragonfly - you are so talented & never cease to amaze me, I love it
Wow you are so talented! Beautiful!
Such a talent at restoration, and it's wonderful seeing and hearing about the process.
It is now such an exquisite piece Kyra! Congratulations.
Amazing Talent!
Wow, what an awesome transformation!
WOW, what a work of art. Congratulations on the great job you did!
wow so talented ! amazing love it
You are all so kind... THANK YOU!!!
Kyratango, you are beautiful, I used to do some wings for insects in stained glass and that was hard, this looks even harder and the delicate work looks done by a Cartier jeweller, Magnifique !~ xoxo
Wow, amazing work!
Phil! Eileen! Foseatme! Marin! Mary! Thank you for your beautiful, amazing, stunning, magnifique LOVELY comments :-)
Ah, just to show you a heartful "kyratisation" of a Lady cat ^..^
delicate is the wing as your magical whispering touch brings new life !!!!!!!!!!!
all the very best malkey
Ooh Malkey! Thank you so much for your poetic comment here :-)
Love back to you, sweet soul!
Oh my word you are so very talented ! What an absolutely incredible transformation. Do you do this type of thing for a living ? You must be a professional restorer surely ?
Wow, Hollyhocks! What a compliment! Thank you for your kind words, but no, only an obsessive amateur ;-)
The first wings I made were with UV curing resin laid on cut to size baking paper... I didn't have time to photograph them... My rascals pointer twins doggies ATE THEM after thieving them on the table during the night! AARGHH :-D
Lol!!! You are a damn genius!!! This came out beautifully. Excellent job my friend!!! I love dragonfly's. I just fixed one myself, no where near as extensive as this. I've got the pics right here and will post it.
:-D Thank you Shareurpassion! I'll survey your next posting!