Posted 5 years ago
(3472 items)
August 1942 was a rough time for the USA although things had just started to turn around. This magazine was probably made a couple/few months before August so the big victory at the Battle of midway had not occurred yet. Things went rather poorly in the first few months of WWII after the US interred so it was probably a bit tense around this time and even after the Battle of Midway. The public probably didn't realize how much military production was going to soon be coming. By the end of the war 80% of everything that floated was US Navy but in mid 1942 not so much. Thus a WWII themed issue of Boys Life. It was pretty much WWII and baseball.
The cover features a scout collecting scrap for the war effort. Inside the cover is an ad for Goodyear who in addition to making tires made life rafts. Not sure why they advertised as no one could buy tires then. Especially boy scouts.
Next Boy Scouts escape from Norway. While Japan was winning all the battles in the Pacific the Germans seemed unbeatable. Germany had stalled by then though.
Finally some advertisements to take their minds off WWII. Kool-Aid was 5 cents. That and non-slip shoe soles. Anyway it is an interesting snap shot of history.
Love the ads!
Kool Aid - is that still sold after Jonestown?
love the magazine . true American magazine !!