Posted 5 years ago
(3473 items)
This wall telephone is a bit unusual as the handset is off to the side a bit like the wood wall phones. Others like the far more popular Western Electric Model 500 wall phone. The model 500 had the handset hanging over the dial. This phone is a bit bulkier but as a collector this one looks neater if not sleeker.
There is a date which seems to be 10961 on the back although I have my doubts that it is the date. I looked up this phone and every single one has this 61 number. Plus the numbers are in the wrong order for the US dating system. It does seem to be 1950s-1960s. Looks like this one got converted to the modular phone lines. It probably had to be hard wired into the wall at first. That probably explains the repair sticker on the back too.
I still need to post Donald Duck.
we had a white one in the kitchen, just like the,
I believe they are still installing these not far from me. LOL
Nice old phone. Are you using it as your home phone?
Thank you very much truthordare. A proper phone.
Thank you very much bb2. That probably is your phone co.
Thank you very much elanski. I have no land line.
Pretty cool! We had one, with the receiver off to the side, just like this when I was a kid. Our first one was block and we later upgraded to yellow version.
Thank you very much Scott. Yellow is quite fancy and proffered by the upper class with their pink flamingos.
Wow. I know we had one of these on my kitchen wall. Actually the only phone in the 3 story house at the time. Great memories.
known as a Automatic Electric model 90 wall phone. produced in the 1960's
Thank you very much clockerman. I think we had 2 phones in our house. Then they started putting phone jacks in every room. No I have no land line.
Thank you very much ttomtucker. I shall amend the description.