Posted 5 years ago
(945 items)
A friend who knows my nickname is Sparky called and offered me this cool Burger Sign that I couldn’t refuse. It’s huge and porcelain so will fit great at the Lakeside Museum and may entice me to open a Burger shop yet?
It’s 17 hr drive to go get it and with the nasty virus chasing old people I may wait till Fall to pick it up. Can’t be too careful right now.
I may have to put the Neon back on this one?
There's a SPARKYS down in S.C. Billboard Sign's for miles!!!! Just after your tired of those signs you see Pedro's South of the Border Signs!!!!
Nice sign this must be what Radar’s
friend did after the war
Perfect for you :) you need to light it up with new neon:)
I’d love to have a series of these cool signs! I’d even go with a series of Pedros if they were porcelain, but doubt that any are. Yes I gotta have more stuff
If I survive this nasty virus that’s chasing old people I plan on putting the eon back on it and putting it on a wall on the new Lakeside Museum building.
Yup you’re likely right. I know another Sparkys Hamburger place in Hatch NM that has very cool antique decor all around incl lots of porcelain signs. Great food as well.
We had a guy with this nickname working with us a few yrs back. Excellent!