Posted 5 years ago
(3445 items)
It is something to do with the March of Dimes. That and three boy scouts with a Major General. This is a vintage photo and is stamped AIR FORCE PHOTO Sampson Air Force Base Geneva N. Y.
The scout presenting (or being presented) is a Scout 2nd Class. The Scout on the right side has no rank badge but appears to be the assistant patrol leader.
In phot #3 we have an ad from Boys Life. These are actually quality items now. I would be quite happy with a Plumb Boy Scout Axe.
Last is the Scouts In Action Comic. They often save people from drowning. Probably not recommended now.
The last 2 photos are filler. The authentic vintage photo being the main point of the post.
The catalog itself would be quite good to have now too
Thank you very much elanski. I should try and get that.
I always enjoy the Scout stuff. My mother had given me a subscription to Boy's Life in Elementary School, a few years before I joined the BSA. I wasn't a Cub, it just didn't appeal to me. I thought Boy's Life was appealing even to Non-Scouts. It had a sci-fi comic strip that was pretty good IMO, among other items.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. It does indeed have articles for all boys.