Posted 5 years ago
(949 items)
While working in the garden today, I discovered a bower bird's nest. I'd seen the birds around for a while, in fact all the time I've been living here since late 2018, but only now have they decided to create a nest. Bower birds build nests on the ground from twigs & leaf litter, then "decorate" with blue found objects - note the plastic clothes peg. I was pretty thrilled to find this. Especially since in Australia, "bower bird" is a slang term for a collector, as that's what these birds are famous for...if I can get a photo including the birds themselves, I will post an update. The nest has only just been started, so it will probably get bigger & accumulate more blue items. We are going to leave a few bits around that they might take a fancy to, just to help with their homemaking efforts...
Later in the day, we went for a drive. We'd packed a picnic lunch but all the picnic areas are closed, even if there are extremely isolated...not like we'd be sitting near anyone anyway! :-) So just as well we had our own folding table & chairs, as we set up in a secluded area just off the road.
Afterwards, we drove up to see how the bushland is recovering after the fires of summer 2019 - 2020. These trees are burnt black, but new growth is sprouting despite the desolation.
It’s so good to see Mother Nature making a comeback with greenery sprouting from the scorched earth. I saw news reports of the devastation- so tragic. I’m glad you were safe.
We don’t have bower birds where I live but I’ve seen a documentary on tv at least twice about them. What fascinating birds! Their decorating skill is just fascinating and the females are so picky when they come to survey the work....if it’s not up their high standard, fly away they will, leaving the male to make adjustments to make his bower more alluring!
It’s wonderful of you to leave a few things out to help the guy....kind of like “curb-treasures” humans sometimes come across (such as some lucky CW members (!!), but myself: I’ve not been that lucky).
Im already looking forward to the next bower bird updates. :^D
Terrific post to lift our thank you.
Aww! Thrilled to see what blue things you're giving them integrated to the nest's deco!!!
super observations my ironlace
lots of love malkey
and hits a note with me being called blue for 30 years or so
all the very best 1412 the omega man
29th march 2020 year
the earl grey tea running out sign of our times
I love nature and the outdoors:)
Very nice to see some recovery Marin, here's a link to a Bower Bird Post on Pinterest:
Thanks for showing, and I hope that You're Well! :^D It sounds like You're doing Your best to stay that way! Bill :^)
I like in the Pinterest Post that some of the Nests have Clothes Pins, like in Your Post Marin! :^D
HOPE !!!!
Thanks so much Patricia, it's really nice to think that my simple post has lifted your spirits! I certainly was thrilled to find this's in a fairly secluded spot in the garden, which I'd only gone through weeding a week or so before, & it wasn't there.
I'm always out in the garden working on something, so any new things grab my attention pretty fast. There has been a bit more work done on the nest today (I did see the male bird attending to it, but he flew away before I could get a photo).
But I will keep observing & hope to be able to document the new residents!
The fires were all around us, some only 5 kilometers away. It was a stressful time for sure...but since late summer it has been very wet, raining most days, sometimes very heavily. That has definitely been a big help in encouraging all the new growth.
Thanks also Pascale...I also look forward to seeing what gets used in the nest!
My pleasure, MALKEY!
Recently I made an artwork about popular idioms using the word blue...there are so many! It was to be exhibited in a group exhibition also called "Blue", but the gallery it was to be shown at is now closed. Hopefully the exhibition will get another chance to be shown at a later date.
Many years ago when I was an art student I made a small sculpture inspired by the collecting activity of the bower bird. Inside a wooden box, I put together an assemblage of small blue items. Art imitates life & vice versa...
So do I Trey - there's always something interesting going on out there, whether it's plants, animals, or the changing seasons. I'm really fortunate to live somewhere very close to nature (within a national park) & also with a unique climate for Australia.
Many thanks also, Bill! Loved the Pinterest many variations on the theme! I think they especially like the clothes pegs as they are easily found in most yards, & make quite a statement, too!
Well said, Kevin, I heartily concur! It's time to focus on different things...
Wonderful nature photos, it is lovely to know about the unique habits of the bower birds, and the beautiful cloud formations in the sky are just awesome. Nice to see something hopeful in these stressful times, thank you Marin for a great post
- Jenni
Thank you most kindly, Jenni! Glad you enjoyed my post. I am so lucky to be surrounded by beautiful scenery, right down to my very own yard. And the clouds are always spectacular here...
I love this post! It's sad as well, but how very cool is it to have found a nest of "collector" birds, foraging things of blue and they come up with the blue clothespins! With all the devastation you all have suffered over there, I hope this new one leaves faster than it came. Stay safe, stay well!!!
Thanks so much, shareurpassion, & I agree, there is always some sadness behind beautiful things, that's just the way life is, I suppose. The sad times do their melancholy duty in making us truly appreciate the happy, peaceful ones. I'm doing fine, my life was pretty quiet anyway, & a touch more reserved now. My only real concern is that one of the medications I take for my autoimmune arthritis is getting "panic bought" as some people think it can help against the virus. I do have a few months supply, but I will feel a lot better when I can get my next prescription filled in a week's time. I've been taking it just over three years & it has changed my life dramatically for the better.
Fantastic, Marin!
Drove through the mountains a week or so ago and Bells Line of Road was heartbreaking. Some is coming back but so much lost forever
My local bower bird never uses he same bower year to year, he always establishes a new one and I haven't found it this year yet.
Enjoy this while it's there!
Many thanks, keramiikos!
Yes, we have a satin bowerbird, he is a stunning glossy blue - black, & he's done some more work on the nest - gathered up the various blue scraps we left around the yard & added them into the "home decor".
We have seen the female looking at the nest, she is a mottled olive green in colour.
Thanks so much, Karen...yes we drove out to Bell's Line of Road too...where these photos were taken. We'd gone there in late January just after the road had been reopened. There has been a lot of work done to repair the railway infrastructure which was damaged. How amazing that they managed to save the Zig Zag Railway, when it was burnt out all around!
That's so cool that you had a bower bird at your place, too. I'd seen a nest before, in Bowral, next to a place we used to stay was very hidden away. I hope that this one will become a fixture in our garden!
Will be posting an update on the nest soon showing more blue items...
There posts like this I wish there was a ‘love’ button!..:-)
Many thanks Penny!