Posted 5 years ago
(3478 items)
Fred the Armadillo was one of my first pieces of taxidermy. Got him in Tijuana when I was back in college. Cheap taxidermy is one of there specialties down there and this is a fine example.
When I was working at college at job @2 there was an art room that had a stuffed armadillo like Fred that I named Fred so when I went to Tijuana I got my own Fred.
Fred had a tough life as I had a roommate who didn't like him and kicked him around and so he has breaks on his front legs and some other damage.
Despite everything being closed I have still been able to aquire while working full time on the front lines so more to come.
Oh yes Tarkus. No sponson mounted 6 pounders. In the meantime ELP playing Tarkus….
Fred is a great looking armadillo
Fred is tough.
Nice number of posts showing there today Fort, and all special.
I lived in Texas, Fred would be revered there as the State Animal Deity and never abused.
smashing fortapache in 1979 i saw one for sale in an antique shop made as a lamp
unfortunately could not afford the chap
but instead bought a chemist cobalt blue poison bottle with large sphere stopper and enamelled in white poison still have the bottle to this very day
thank you so much for your special pieces always a joy to view my friend
all the very best malkey 1412 the omega man 30th march 2020 year
He is great
To me, it would look more natural on it's back with feet up on the side of a road. LOL An armoured o'possum !
They aren't native to Florida but they thrive here. If you have one living near by they are easy to tame, especially younger ones. They tend to be reclusive but once tamed they will follow you around like a puppy.
"Don't need no" armoured possums in SXM ! Would luv to see a mongoose's reaction to one though. LOL !
Bb2 that would be an interesting meet & greet.
Great 'pun' one of my fav's from ELP! When down in Florida bout 12 yrs ago seen one in the wild, freaky little dudes they are!
We live in central Texas and had one of these walk through our front yard the other day!! They are very odd little creatures.....
Thank you very much Newfld.
Thank you very much racer4four. I missed that, darn.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. He shall have a place of honor here.
Thank you very much fhrjr2. FL is a happy place for non native species.
Thank you very much bb2. Recipe?
Thank you very much iggy. You will see the follow up.
Thank you very much elanski.
And thank you very much welzebub.
No recipe for monitor possum, but have good one for "sloppy doe's" I can send.
Bb2 try this link. You can pig out big time and first class.
Haven't seen it on the shelves here. Guess we will just have to stick with our big ugly lizards.
Thank you very much Ms.CrystalShip. Pretty sure they don't live in CA. I could look it up. Looks like they stop in Texas, probably blocked by the desert.
Probably because they are smart & not democrats ! LOL !!