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Kenner Steve Scout Balloon Race to Devil's Canyon Over a Shark

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3478 items)

    Yes I am sure parents would happy to let their kids ride in a hot air balloon in a basket made out small tree branches and animal skins. Do not think there was a ballooning merit badge. This set is from 1975 the last year for Steve Scout. The earlier sets were things Boy Scouts would actually do but they were getting more imaginative. It is a toy and not 100% accurate. I just wish they had made the civil war uniforms that were planned for Steve Scout instead. But still this is an interesting toy.
    This features a heavy duty rubber bag to use as a balloon along with a net to go over it. There is a piece that hangs on top of a door so that the balloon can float so it is a clever toy. But as the balloon is rubber and 45 years old it would not last long inflated, rubber being the first thing to go in vintage toys especially flexible rubber. Thus I am only going to display the basket for now which does display nicely.

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    1. elanski elanski, 5 years ago
      Really cool
    2. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 5 years ago
      That is really wild! I can see some issues about putting kids in rickety balloon baskets; parent's complaints, liability, etc. Civil War Uniforms would've been great, you ought to know I'd be down with that. Did they plan to make both side's uniforms, the Rebels and the invaders?
    3. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much elanski.

      Thank you very much Toyrebel. Yes they did just search "steve scout civil war". Here it is....

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