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Even Yet Still More Roco Minitanks West German Warriors

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Military and Wartime1035 of 7467West Point 4th year DUIMore Minitanks West German Armor Flakpanzer Gepard and Spanpanzer Luchs
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3475 items)

    This time we have the Marder and the Jadgpanzer Kanone and Jadgpanzer Rockette. I am not going to look up the spelling on those, they close enough.
    The Marder is an Infantry Fighting Vehicle and not a tank but calling it an Infantry Fighting Vehicle gets annoying so tank is ok. This carries about 4-6ionfantry in the rear who can dismount out the rear ramp' It has a small caliber cannon and a machine gun in a turret and remote controlled machine gun in the back which looks really cool.
    Next is a pair of tank destroyers which are cold war vintage. One has a 90mm cannon and the other has anti-tank missiles. These were made to react to a Soviet invasion but they were soon replaced by helicopters and actual tanks.
    Feel free to note the fine details especially on the Marder.

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    1. lptools, 5 years ago
      Very cool, thanks for sharing!! I like the tools mounted on the body!!
    2. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 5 years ago
      Thanks for more tanks. I like these Minis.
    3. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much Iptools. Those are the pioneer tools or so they are called.

      Many Tanks to you Toyrebel.

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