Posted 5 years ago
(3478 items)
The Johnny West Adventures (JWA) series is the most desirable of the Johnny West line. There were other rare versions but with this line the figures are molded in different colors with accessories also in different colors. In this case the body color is pretty much the same as the regular Custer but the accessories are dark blue or silver instead of black. The soft plastic pieces are dark blue and the hard plastic pieces are silver.
I am featuring the paperwork and box in this post. The boxes were much flimsier for this series so they didn't survive as well. The older boxes had a removable box top. This is just a one piece box. he back of the boxes show all the figures in the JWA line.
The last two phots are of the front and back of the manual which is also rare.
Part two coming right up.
Thanks for sharing "Yellow Hair".
Have you ever visited this site?
Thank you very much Toyrebel. I totally know that guy. I've been doing this so long I am in the credits for Tom Heaton's The Encyclopedia of Marx Action Figures. The site you linked in Scott Stewart's.