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Sybil Dunlop Pendant/Neckace and Earrings.

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (413 items)

    This is just a wonderful necklace and earrings I just love them. Unfortunately they are not marked but they certainly have the look and the quality for Sybil Dunlop. I have been waiting for some time to get hold of some of her work and this fits the bill for me.
    The back of the pendant as been hand hammered, and a good size the stones look to me green agate, amethyst, blister pearl and maybe Cornelian, I think it’s a classic Dunlop design. The earrings I this match the pendant they are also quite large with green agate and cornelian.
    Sybil Dunlop was born 1889 - 20th Dec 1968 she was a British jewellery and silver designer and produced art and craft designs in the 1920s and 30s.
    Sybil was born in Hampstead London to Scottish parents and finished her schooling in Brussels, where she became interested in jewellery design and underwent some basic training. She established a work shop and shop at 69 Kensington Church st, London w8, and in the early 1920s was joined by W. Nathanson as a principle craftsman. Sybils is characterised by the use of semi-precious stones, such as chalcedony, chrysoprase, moonstone, amethyst, quartz and opals, often cabuchon rather than facet-cut stones, set in silver in symmetrical patterns, often inspired by nature. One of her famous designs is the carpet of gems symmetrical settings. The stones were cut for Sybil by lapidaries in Germany. Sybil’s work is often confused with that of another female designer Dorrie Nossiter. The business closed at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 and Sybil never returned to work due to ill health. After the war Nathanson re-started the business and continued producing jewellery and silver under her name until he retired in 1971.

    Many thanks for looking

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    1. Manikin Manikin, 5 years ago
      Gorgeous ! always love your posts :-)
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Jean the Necklace Pendant and Earrings are Beautiful! :^D I think that I would wear that Necklace Pendant, not into the Earrings for me though! :^D Thank you for showing, I hope that you're Safe and Well! :^)
    3. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 5 years ago
      Thank you Mankin, I really appreciate you stopping by.
    4. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 5 years ago
      Hi billretirecoll, thanks for stopping by. As I said in my write up I’ve been waiting for a long time to find some work by Sybil Dunlop, I do have the odd pieces but nothing like this. It’s interesting that you like the pendant but not keen on the earrings, I’m still wondering if they are a set, certainly the Colour of the stones are similar. Yet again thanks for your comment.
    5. kyratango kyratango, 5 years ago
      Woahhh! I'm crysoprase green from envy! ;-))
    6. Hollyhocks Hollyhocks, 5 years ago
      Oh gosh Jean this is a treasure! You know as soon as I saw it I was reminded of Guy Fawkes night in England. When I was a child my favourite firework was a Catherine wheel. It was a round wound up wheel that you pinned onto a wall , light the little ends sticking out and it would whirl around throwing gorgeous sparks and colours into the air. Your beautiful Sybil Dunlop necklace looks just like a whirling firework, it’s splendid. I think you should be very proud to own such a lively wonderful set. Well done
    7. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 5 years ago
      Thank you Pascale, it’s definitely a statement piece.
    8. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 5 years ago
      Hi Sue, I see what you mean about a Catherine Wheel, I remembered them on Guy Fawkes night or bonfire night. I loved that night when I was a kid with jacket potatoes and treacle toffee. When I lived in Kenya I had a near escape when there was a fireworks display one of the containers fell over and the rocket flew over my head with inches to spare so now I’m not a great fan of fireworks. I still like sparklers lol. Thanks for your comment much appreciated. Keep safe.
    9. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 5 years ago
      Many thanks


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