Posted 5 years ago
(3465 items)
Everyone except the two Bill Bucks are here but there is another Jed Gibson. Bill Buck is rare and fragile so he doesn't ride a horse.
This looks quite impressive in person, the photos The display is almost 3' x 4'. This would really good outside but outside isn't level and many little pieces would get lost.
Most of these horses are variations on Thunderbolt the Western Range Horse. In addition to Thunderbolt there are 2 Storm Clouds (the Indian pinto horse), 2 Flame Horses (running horses) and one Buckskin. Buckskin has a moveable head and neck and thus is usually grazing. But his rider has a firm grip on the bridle so his head is up.
These are 12" figures which is 1/6 scale. Anyway just look at the photos it is all good.
Wonderful horse & soldier assembly, the variety of horses here is awesome - great Old West figures fort
Quite a stable of horses there and I think the soldiers look prepared to do or die.
Thank you very much Newfld I have more horses but I not many more saddles.
Thank you very much racer4four. Here come the cavalry!
Thank you very much vintagelamp.