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Arts and crafts brooch with crinkle leaves

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Arts and Crafts Jewelry29 of 291Arts and crafts Silver. Any idea of maker please ? My first Amy Sandheim.
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (18 items)

    Hello all, I showed this brooch ( first image ) some time ago wanting to know if anyone had any idea as to the artist. I was looking at a book today and noticed a brooch with very similar leaves on the front cover ( pic 3 ) I have taken a close up of the brooch ( pic 2) , sorry it’s night time here and the pics are with flash. Can anyone please suggest a maker for the brooch that is shown on the front of the book the one I have enlarged in pic 2 . Inside the brooch is described as “ Amethyst and Silver open circle Ivy Leaf brooch “ from the Purple Shop ? Thanks and hope you are all fine !

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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Thanks for the update, from your first post. it might help to have a link back to it:

      Thanks again, and take care! :^)
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Here's a link to the 2nd post that you did for this Brooch, with a photo of the back:

      I enlarged that photo, and the back is so different from the front, it doesn't have a finished look, that a better quality Jewelry Designer would have, so I think it will be very hard find out who the maker was. I really love the style of this Brooch though, and it still has the look! :^)
    3. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Sorry Sue one question, did you have your Brooch tested for silver content? I ask that because Silver is a Color, and a lot of things marked just Silver and no other marks, can mean Silver Metal(not Sterling), or Silver Plate. Just something to be aware of. Good Luck! :^)
    4. Hollyhocks Hollyhocks, 5 years ago
      Hello billretirecoll thanks again for your comments, very helpful. No I have not had the brooch tested for sterling. I am collecting arts and crafts pieces and many of them are just marked silver or else not marked at all. Cheers ! Sue
    5. Jewels1900 Jewels1900, 5 years ago
      Well spotted, same maker but I still don't know who it is. Out of interest, who does the book say is the maker of the two big pieces in the middle?
    6. Hollyhocks Hollyhocks, 5 years ago
      Hi jewels1900, it’s so frustrating when you finally find a lead ,to a piece you are trying to attribute , and there is no maker stated. Likewise for the pieces you asked about. Very obvious and Uninformative information provided ...... silver , amethyst ect , price guide of 2000 pounds And 1200 pounds respectively
    7. Jewels1900 Jewels1900, 5 years ago
      Even if a lead falls flat, every new find gives you more design elements to look for. Thanks for the info on the other two pieces. Thats a significant price guide.
    8. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 5 years ago
      Hi Sue I hope this link comes up. I’ve just posted what I think is a Edith Linnell ring, during my research I came across the link above.
    9. Hollyhocks Hollyhocks, 5 years ago
      Oh gosh yes that’s my brooch ! Thanks for the link. I saw your pretty ring, nice find. I love that someone treasured it enough to go to all that trouble and expense to save it or make it more wearable. Well Edith Linnell could well be the attribution for my brooch.... I hope it is I do love her work although pieces are so hard to find. I feel in some ways she has fallen through the cracks and become a little invisible unlike the other Birmingham girls. Always a real treat to see your new treasures Jean.

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