Posted 5 years ago
(3465 items)
Picked this up at an Antique Mall I found open in the desert. Normally I am well behaved and but when it comes to antiques I would walk barefoot through a leper colony. Got this and my bucket which I am careful not to kick.
This sign is 8 3/4" across and has a thermometer in the center. The thermometer still works. I had it in the sun when I took the photo so not quite accurate at that point. Note that log homes have lots of nooks and crannies with a handy shelf here and there. The advertising company, Sartin, is still in business. They have 4 employees and make a cool mil a year. Sartin Advertising is in Winston-Salem, NC so they are probably just down the street from the cigarette company. I could probably put this in my museum of Political Incorrectness along with some toys of the past. Please note my museum only exists in my imagination as I just thought of it. There is only so much I can say about this sign.
Got an excellent scout post coming Saturday night.
I remember the slogan " Winston Taste Good Like a Cigarette Should" Not PC and it's Grammar!!!
The above slogan came out in 1955 maybe your piece was before that???
Or after 1972 as people complained about the grammar they stopped that slogan??
The Taste is Tops doesn't do it for me!!!
Thank you very much valentino97. Yes it was open but they closed today due to the new rules. Perhaps they will reopen for "curbside pick up".
Thank you very much stuff. I tried to research the slogan and saw it on what looked like a 1950s pack. I think they were using both slogans.