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My New GI Joe Five Star Jeep Display Plus GI Sentry Post

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G.I. Joe86 of 253My New GI Joe Action Sailor Display Vintage and Not So Vintage1984 GI Joe Baroness
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3485 items)

    The GI Joe 5 Star Jeep takes up a lot of room and I finally made a space where the both a the jeep a trailer fit plus a bit more. The 5 Star jeep was actually a 1 star jeep which would be a jeep for a general. But this is actually a fighting jeep with a 106mm recoiless rifle. Plus there is a trailer with a searchlight. The searchlight runs off a battery that is in the engine compartment. There is a Morse Code chart on the back of the searchlight so kids could actually flash Morse Code with the searchlight. You can switch the gun and searchlight around and the trailer is detachable. This is mid 1960s although I think they made these through the end of the 60s.
    The Ideal GI Sentry Post is also featured here. Ideal made vinyl case pieces like these. They also made sets for Matchbox and others. I have a pair of MPs manning the sentry post.
    The nice thing about a jeep is that it can be filled with accessories and weapons and this one is.
    Next I will be making a maximum minitank effort. Should be epic in 1/87 scale. This post is epic in 1/6 scale.

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    1. elanski elanski, 5 years ago
      Nice display. Love the searchlight.
    2. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Excellent display of the Joes, jeep & weapons, and super Morse code searchlight (my dad was a radioman in Korea)
    3. lptools, 5 years ago
      Very cool!! Thanks for posting!!
    4. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much elanski.

      Thank you very much Newfld. My Dad was an infantry sergeant in Korea.

      And thank you very much Iptools.

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