Posted 5 years ago
(1778 items)
Does anybody happen to recognize what this thing might really be or what its for?? It was picked up recently in the backyard at the cleanout house, simply because I found it an intriguing part of *something*...?? ;-) :-) It appears to be made of lead, measuring 2-1/4" x 3/4", and weighs nearly 14oz. I gently brushed one side of it with a wire brush for these pics, the other is basically as-found. It has a small brass wire loop cast into it, to hang it from something else. (?)
My *ONLY* guess it that it might have once been a part of this old Singer sewing machine I showed months ago
because it was found on the ground in proximity to where that machine once sat -- which eventually turned out to be the infamous 'cleanout house'. (and thus, it parts have all been collected into a pile in the garage there for safekeeping until 'one of these days'... <lol>)
But of course, that backyard is also full of all sorts of little metal bits of anything else, rusty tools, car parts, and whatnot, so it truly could have come from *anything*...??
Clock pendulum bob?
Appears to be a bullet weight disc sinker for fishing.
Well they may well be for fishing but my grandmother didn't fish and she had them in her sewing machine. She called them hem weights. All different sizes. Only thing I recall her putting them in was the hems of window drapes to keep them hanging straight and tight and neat looking.
Sounds reasonable, but 14 ounces is a lot of hem weight, nearly one pound.
You know, I am talking back after WW!!. It well could be these served a dual purpose. Back then there wasn't much anyone could afford to buy new. We were still taking a bath in the front yard in a copper cauldron with water heated by the sun. That saved money having to heat water during the summer months. You didn't waste anything and found a use for everything.
I thought you were kidding Tim, these were the most commend Fishing weights that I used as a child fishing from the Shore of the Sacramento River in California! :^D
They came in lots of sizes, and had molds for making them too! :^)
Here's a better link because it has the measurement of each weight:
It might be used for lots of things, but we used them for casting from Shore, Fishing for Catfish and Bass! Might be illegal now because of the Lead!
Sorry I never saw Hoot60's post! :^D
I DoNut know what weight it was used for??? but it gave me heartburn just thinking about it!!!
THANKS MUCH to Congcu, Hoot60, fhrjr2, billretirecollector, 7 yougottahavestuff for your comments -- I think I'm gonna go with the 'fishing weight' thing though this one seems larger/heavier than most other shown...perhaps that just means it is meant to be used in more 'heavy duty' fishing than what I've ever done myself in a farm pond...?? ;-) :-)
MORE THANKS to Cokeman1959, fhrjr2, Irishcollector., fortapache, vetraio50, yougottahavestuff, & blunderbuss2 for tapping your <love it> buttons!! :-)
I'll take fishing weight for $500 Alex.