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S. B. Penick & Company Hopkins Rajah Brand Egyptian Henna Tin Cardboard

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3475 items)

    S. B. Penick & Company started in 1916 until it was bought out in the 1960s. Their specialty was herbal based medicine. Despite the fancy New York and Chicago addresses of its factories and offices the material came from North Carolina. The Egyptian Henna came from North Carolina. There was a reality show about some rather rugged individuals who looked for herbs in that area. There seems to be a tendency for their drugs to do nothing.
    This one is a hair restorer and I am kind of thinking it did not work. Back then quack medicine was quite common. Not sure about this one but one of their products was cannabis. Alcohol and other drugs were used by other companies to make it seem like their drugs were doing something.
    This tin is made mostly of cardboard but the top and bottom are tin. Has some very nice Egyptian artwork and displays quite nicely.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      I suppose “Egyptian” sounded more exotic than North Carolina.
      My grandmother had an elderly friend plenty old enough to have totally grey hair, yet her hair was a very unnatural shade of red. Granny complained that the old lady’s hair dye rubbed off on her pillowcases when she came for an overnight visit...I recall hearing the term “henna” being said in the gripe sessions after the lady finally departed.
    2. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much Watchsearcher. Yes North Carolina Henna not as exciting. IHenna is also used for temp tattoos so it probably is a dye.
    3. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much keramikos. I think that makes this pre 1947. My guess is 1920s.
    4. fortapache fortapache, 5 years ago
      Thank you very much again keramikos. That is quite a bit of information.

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