Posted 5 years ago
(301 items)
The Vanished Town of Milwaukee
The Town (Township) of Milwaukee with boundaries the same as Milwaukee County was established March 17, 1835 By 1836 the Village of Milwaukee was incorporated thus beginning the territorial reduction of the Milwaukee Township. In 1838 the Township was divided in half by creating the Town of Lake. The division line was Greenfield Ave. North of which remained the Town of Milwaukee. County Line Road was the Northern border. Lake Michigan was the Eastern border and 27th street was the Western border. Over the years there was a progression of town and village establishments each of which reduced the Town of Milwaukee further. The village of Milwaukee became a city in 1846. Granville and Wauwatosa became towns in 1840. Whitefish Bay in 1892. North Milwaukee in 1897. East Milwaukee in 1900 renamed Shorewood in 1917. Fox Point in 1926. River Hills 1930. Glendale in 1950 and Bayside in 1953 leaving a Town of Milwaukee that existed on paper only and ceased to exist in 1955. During the 120 years that the town existed it had a volunteer fire department which issued badge. The badge is well made but lacks any maker identification. The pin has a hook catch which may indicate that this badge is older than it looks.
I was never aware there was a Town of Milwaukee but I know I was not born yet when it was :-) Great old badge and likely a rare piece also !!
Thanks Manikin, Town of Milw. ceased to exist in 1955 and probably only had a very small fire dept. for many years before that, so I'm sure you are correct in assuming it is a rare badge. Most small town badges are rare but so are the collectors for any specific small town badge which helps keep them affordable. Large city badges have much greater demand and higher prices even though they may not be as rare.
If I find a Badge in Wi from a small town for sale I will knock on your window :-)
Thanks for the nice thought. Careful, you might even become a badge collector yourself.
No I won't start collecting badges lol I need to reduce what I collect .