Posted 5 years ago
(3478 items)
The Yesteryear in a B box has been postponed until next week after everyone has recovered from their exciting weekend. In the meantime the MB-63 Dodge Crane in an F Box.
The Dodge Crane replaced the popular Foamite Crash Tender as the new MB 63 in 1968. It was sold in the F style box in 198 and 1969. Also it became a Superfast in 1970 and the hook was changed from red to yellow. SO it is pretty easy to narrow this one down to the 1968-69 period.
The exciting featuring of this model is the crane that revolves 360 degrees. It is shown on the top of the box. It is perfect for unloading the pipe truck I bought with this one which will be in 2 weeks. Next week will be the super exciting Yesteryear.
Great model in MIB condition! (love the box also)
Thank you very much Lata. The box is at least half the price.
Thank you very much Ms.Crystalship. I am glad.