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Mostly Mauled Munched Matchbox Monday MB-23 Bluebird Dauphine Caravan 1960-1962

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (3475 items)

    This may be the most beat up Matchbox car I have posted but it still has charm. The paint is mostly missing, the trailer hook is missing and part of the window frame is dented. But it has the door so it is all good.
    I spent a fair amount of time figuring out if these are silver plastic wheels or grey wheels. I looked here and there for a definitive answer and I decided to go with silver plastic wheels. The Bluebird Dauphine was made from 1960-1964 and the silver plastic wheels were made until 1962 so there you go.
    Typical of the older models there is no interior or window glass but there is an opening door. And it is from the golden age of travel trailers or caravans as they are know in England so once more all good.

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