Posted 5 years ago
(3478 items)
The Weatherill Hydraulic Shovel was the first K-1 thus the first of the King Size models. The line started in 1960 with four models. So far I have #1 and #4, I have plenty more models to collect for Matchbox Mondays.
The Weatherhill Tractor was in the catalog from 1960-1963. I do not think there were any variations including the wheels. I believe they were always grey. There was a regular sized Matchbox version of this and that one had black wheels in the later years. So without a box for this I can not narrow down the year for this model but 4 years isn't bad.
On this model the shovel goes up and down but does require finger support like all models from this time. And as always one did have to make the proper noises associated with a hydraulic shovel tractor.
Yes, love the noises we had to make when playing!
Oh to be a kid again :) Hope you are well :)
Thank you very much iggy. I started making them when I was posting this.
Thank you very much Trey. I am fine despite being essential.