Posted 4 years ago
(3446 items)
This is an ash can that has never been used. The company that made it was sold in 1968 and I am thinking the can is older than that. It would have to be 1936-1968 as the company moved to Kent in 1936. The company was started in the 1920s by the Parker family.
It looks like a miniature trash can (I am thinking the company made trash cans) but it is made for fireplace ashes. This is something I can actually use as I burn a lot of wood in winter. For those who may be interested in buying a cabin the wood stoves are much more efficient than a fire place. The can is only about a foot tall. The handle raises up and locks the lid into place thus keeping your home free of ash. But then I get lazy and empty mine in a trash bag in the house. Huge cloud of dust. This will be my second can so now I will clean my stove more often. Please note it is a stove for heating and not for eating.
In the last photo I filled it with some of the things I bought at Long Beach. No home runs but some fun stuff.
I think the label on this can is super neat.
you ought to be able to at least simmer a stew on it or make toast
I love that label!
Are you on Facebook ? There is a Lone Ranger and TONTO set on horses and no bids.
Thank you very much fattytail. I can roast hot dogs on a bent hanger.
Thank you very much Watchsearcher.
Thank you very much Trey. I am on facebook but I already have them with horses and boxes.