Posted 5 years ago
(3475 items)
I have a ton of stuff to post but as I have four Greenlight models to post will start with this one. This one may be the best. It is a 1954 Ford F100 with a matching utility trailer. I might switch that with another trailer that doesn't match as that would actually look more natural. Now people do that with classic cars but not so much in 1954.
Back in 1954 people didn't buy a truck for fun. I could be wrong on that. I think it was back in the 80s when people started buying trucks and started tricking them out and adding accessories. That and raising them up or perhaps lowering them. Anyway in 1954 it was to do truck stuff like hauling this and that. It's pretty useful to have around. So useful a truck will attract friends who need something moved or worse moving. Oh yes I had a truck in the 80s and so loved helping people move.
Now back to the model a step side truck is cool. Just love those big rear fenders. That and the wheels.
I am thinking tomorrow I will post more Disneyland postcards.
I've had 7 trucks in the islands and quite familiar with the script. Others were using my trucks more than I was. After hurricane Irma, I fooled them by buying bikes.
Fantastic truck & trailer, great color blue. These remind me of an ex landlord who was always hauling stuff to our property incl a big wild animal trap, he caught a squirrel & left it panicking under our BR window, so I put it near a tree & set him free :))
The trailer needs rust, and lots of it.
That’s how ours is anyway.
Ha, my friend just BOUGHT a home-made Utility Trailer made from the Box of a 1952 Ford truck. It is sweet looking !!
Thank you very much bb2. Yes that is one of the joys of owning a truck. Also it seems everyone had a hide-a-bed sofa.
Thank you very much Newfld. That was quite kind of you.
Thank you very much racer4four. I got 2 dirty cars coming up.
Thank you very much Rose. Yes I have seen those some even match the beds of the trucks pulling them.
#1 for the week!