Posted 4 years ago
(3443 items)
Plastimarx is the Mexican version of Marx Toys. Not sure if they are still around or not. The molds are and plastimarx products show up from time to time. They make some Johnny West Figures and horses. There are a lot of quality control complaints but then again some are considered rare and valuable. That would be the 12" figure line and these are the much simpler 6" figures. The 6" figures tend to have the weapons cut off but this one has his pistol and grenade.
Both of these figures are very well detailed and well animated. Animation in this case meaning the suggestion of movement. You will note the folds of the clothing and other such details. Also they have those nifty fur caps that Russian wore. I just noticed the sniper scope on the walking figure's rifle. Makes that figure a bit cooler.
Got three more 6" Marx figures yet to come so be sure and stay tuned.
Very cool Russian soldiers, the grenade thrower with pistol is a double threat taking no chances!
Yeah, really nice modeling work, especially the hat and coat chap.
Thank you very much Newfld. An extra weapon is always handy.
Thank you very much racer4four. I am trying to find the name of the guy who sculpted them.
Hi fortapache do u have messenger? We can chat on it if u want
I have some matchbox cars I can show ya