Posted 5 years ago
(3476 items)
Having some background issue here as I do not have a proper background as the lighting would just not come out right until I did this that and the other. The lighting was washing out all the details and this is a very detailed figure.
This figure being Hans who is a junior NCO of the German army in 1941. Operation Barbarossa to be exact. Happy times for the German army as they were winning. I like this figure as he fits in with all my other German figures. Standard helmet and no camo pants. There are a few figures with camo pants but solid colored tunic. Not quite sure how that works. Plus some are even tank commanders. Why would a tank crewman need camo anything? Anyway I like all my figures to look like they pretty much go together.
As an NCO Hans is armed with an MP-40 a 9mm submachine gun. With just 7 magazines he had best put it on semi-auto otherwise he has 2 minutes worth of ammo. But as an NCO he is supposed to be directing the other troops.
Some close up photos of the accessories in the last two photos. My favorite is the shovel with the bayonet
I am thinking Chevy Novas for tomorrow so be sure and stay tuned to this website.
Such great detail.
Thank you very much racer4four.