Posted 4 years ago
(3457 items)
Thought I might have been paying a bit much for this bottle but bought it anyway. Checked out the bottom thinking there would be undecipherable markings on the underside. But I saw the H with an A underneath which means Hazel Atlas. Some think that is Anchor Hocking but that is an Anchor on an H. So it is a major brand name . I believe the company was gone by the early 1960s, probably earlier. It sort of faded away in the 1950s. It was probably best known for depression glass.
The bottle has a threaded cap so I am thinking post 1920. The early bottles just have stoppers.
Got some of its bottle friends to help out. I think they work well together.
Thank you very much Ms.CrystalShip. Yes that is what you are seeing. I have a glass rolling pin too.
It could be earlier then you think companies would put ribs dots triangles and other identifying things on bottles if they were poison could not just flip a switch turn a light on to see what you were taking
MsCrystalShip the glass turns purple because of the manganese the more the purplerererere
Thank you very much OLECODY. The bottle does seem fairly old.