Posted 4 years ago
(3472 items)
Posting from a motel room in Scottsdale AZ. Thus I do not have my usual photostudio.
This is another from Auto World's true 1/64 series. Also part of their luxury cruiser series. Noting this is a two door model and is rather large for a two door. Maybe they knew car guys would prefer a two door even if it is twice the size of a Camaro.
In the meantime check out the classic styling. Got those pointy headlights and front and rear end. Everyone will know it is a Cadillac.
And finally there is an opening hood. Had a good sized engine. Probably had room for a V16 if they still made one.
And ..ewwww..front wheel drive!
When I was younger and sold used cars in the early 90s, we had a restored 66 convertible on the lot. I dropped the top and took that to lunch a few times. Very floaty writing car. That was the last year of rear wheel drive.
And as a side note to 66 had original power seats power windows power steering and AC.
Very sharp Caddy Eldorado classic, nice post fort
Thank you very much dav2. Probably drove like a Buick my mom had which was like driving a marshmallow.
And thank very much Newfld
Very kool ,, Fort I’d like to see a model like this with T.V. antenna
Diamond in the Back ,, Gangsta WhiteWalls ,SunRoof on Top
Thank you very much Ms.CrystalShip. Glad you liked it.
Thank you very much vynil. Sounds like a pimp ride.