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Early Loetz Barock glass vase with applied strawberry

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Bohemian Art Glass540 of 6681Pair Victorian opalescent art glass vases with applied flowersEarly Loetz - "Barock decoration" with strawberries
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (949 items)

    This post was inspired by larksel's post of two Early Loetz Barock vases with applied strawberries.
    I actually purchased this vase a few years ago but had not got around to posting it. Perhaps because it had suffered some damage, & was repaired. It was very cheap, & but I was a bit sad about the damage. Anyway, it's seen in a new light now.
    This vase is made from a milky opalescent glass that contains uranium & glows brightly under UV light, which was a pleasant surprise.
    The glass also has a crackle effect. There is an applied footed base in amber, & an amber applied leafy crest on the top rim.
    The applied decoration consists of a white flower, & red strawberry on a purple stem. At some point, the strawberry & some of the leaves have been broken off, then repaired (not so well on closer inspection). It may have been that the applied decoration was arranged differently when the vase was new, as I can detect a rough, granular area to the right side of where it is currently located. This suggests that there may have been another stem branching off the main one, or that the original position was slightly offset. The white flower appears to be in its original spot, & hasn't been repaired.
    The vase has a simple, conical form, & measures 19.5 cm tall, 6.5 cm across the base, & around 7 cm across the widest point of the top rim.

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    1. larksel larksel, 4 years ago
      A beautiful piece. Definitely the same manufacturer. I haven't seen it in this color version with a cracklé finish. I guess the crackle is a bit rougher than the Loetz crackle from later period. I believe that the assignment to early Loetz production will be confirmed. Thank you very much for posting.
    2. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      My pleasure, Ales, I'm always happy to help.
      I think I bought this vase in 2017, not long after reading Dr. Hasselbach's article on Early Loetz production. I have collected items with applied decoration for many years, & had not seen one like this before. The repaired damage was disappointing but it is still a lovely vase. The crackle finish does have a pronounced texture, quite rough.
    3. RichmondLori RichmondLori, 4 years ago
    4. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      Many thanks, RichmondLori!
    5. scottvez scottvez, 4 years ago
      BEAUTIFUL example!!

    6. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 4 years ago
      What an elegant vase! I love the colors and the deep dark red strawberry. This is gorgeous!
    7. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      Thanks so much, Scott!
    8. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      Thanks also, Michelle!

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