Posted 4 years ago
(1207 items)
This little vase is 5.5" high x 3.5" widest diameter and has the Koransha orchid mark on the bottom. On one side is a hand painted fish with some small water bubble circles and on the back is one small set of circles. Very inexpensive ebay find from a seller who thought it was new and did not know the maker or that it is Japanese. I think it is a few decades old and had a bit of build up from use inside which easily cleaned up. I think the seller thought it is new because it is in like new condition.
Gorgeous !
This vase is a perfect example of Japanese craft art for me Kevin. Perfectly made, beautiful design and colour, an expressive fish, and the whimsical bubbles floating around.
Beautiful vase & love that angel fish
Thanks for your comment Manikin! There were only two really poor images of the vase in the auction and one was of the bottom, so I was not really sure what I was going to get so was pleasantly surprised!
Thanks Karen! Koransha is my current favorite Japanese kiln. Their work is very sophisticated, even in this modest little fish vase.
Thanks Jenni! The fish is what caught my eye!
Thanks for loving my fish vase Jenni, ho2cultcha, fortapache, Karen, Manikin, dav2no1, Kevin, aura and RichmondLori!
Thanks Bruce99 and Thomas!
Thanks for loving my little Koransha fish vase blunderbuss2!
Thank you Alfred1o1 and getthatmonkeyoutofme!
Thanks for your comment Eileen. The artist did a nice job on this one!
Thanks for loving my vase Eileen and MALKEY!
Beautiful- I adore the deep colours and lovely elegant shape of the fish- would fit in nicely on a decorative bathroom shelf...or even conservatory with leafy trailing plants near it.
Thanks for your comment LaurenRedmond! I bought this on an online auction site and the two images were really (Really) bad and it came from a seller with not great feedback (only 14 total and only 91% positive) who sells mostly recycled clothing, shoes, junk, etc., so I wasn't sure what I was getting, but it was only a bit over $5 so I took a shot because it is Koransha and was very pleased when it came. The colors are spectacular and the quality is very high. I would like to make a place for it on a high shelf or in front in one of my china closets so it doesn't get broken, but have not yet decided where it will sit....
Awesome find!
Thanks for your comment Mrstyndall! I was very happy to get it!
Thanks for taking a look at my vase Blammoammo!
Thank you Vynil33rpm!
Thanks for loving my Koransha fish vase MarmorealMaiden!
Thank you Nursekent!
Thank you Hoot60!
Thanks for taking a look at my Koransha fish vase SEAN68!
Thanks vcal! This is still one of my favorite pieces of Japanese pottery.
this ought to be the question i think
is this an berry motif also called an grapevine motif ( three dots ), it probably is although the entry 05-10-2019 Sawsan Elzayyat answer bill hewick on asian art forum is not that clear i have seen better examples of it , so the theory looks sound but can,t find it
and that makes it probably late 20 ct
Thanks for the information apostata! I appreciate it!
i got it all wrong sorry then i am out of options
No worries, apostata! Gothberg site calls this mark for "modernware" but the site seems to consider anything post 1900 as modern:
I know that the Koransha orchid mark evolved and changed over time.
This site estimates the mark to be circa 1930s:
I am sure that there are more authoritative sources, but I do not have access to them.
you noticed i made the same mistake twice ,( two years ago i got the same mistake) i thought there was a revival mark of the 1930 mark
Could be, apostata. There seems to be a well-represented evolution in the use of the orchid mark until recent times. My viewpoint is limited based on the few sites for Japanese pottery marks and what I see on auction sites, though. I wish Gothberg had put a little more effort into their assessment of "modernware"!
Thanks for loving my little fish pot Mrstyndall and Vynil33rpm!
no mij reference was completely wrong because the fish is included , there is some type of glazing on asian art forum which makes it later , it is not evidence
when you are , you are right , no sweat
i never use Gotheborg, IMO it is the absolute pits, but who am i
Thanks, Jenni! This is still one of my favorites!