Posted 4 years ago
(948 items)
I've been meaning to do this for a while...get all my floriform glass together for a group photo.
In all there are 10 floriform Bohemian art glass vessels from the Art Nouveau era. Eight of them are the type that rest on a leafy or thorny footed base that supports a main stem. Flower shape, size, colour, & decor vary considerably, & I know from seeing other people's examples that there are many, many more variations.
The other two examples seen here are a bit different - central at the back is a floriform that stands on a single stemmed base, & at the front right, laid on it's side, is a truly odd specimen that is like a handled "mug" or tankard style floriform. I cannot imagine it being used to drink from though!
I do have one other floriform piece, much smaller & finer of form, in yellow vaseline glass. The design is so different to any of these that I believe it to be of English origin, not Bohemian.
These fanciful pieces are always a pleasure to find, & I hope to add a few more to the collection in the future!
Great Barrier Reef!
These are one of my little passions .. love them they brighten up the day ..and with a UV light the night!
Many thanks, Ivonne! They really are a sort of (un)natural wonder of the world, aren't they!
Hey Marty, good to hear from you, & many thanks! Yes, I think quite of few of us art glass fanatics have a thing for floriforms, they've got a magic & mystique all of their own...
Instant bouquet any time of the year!
They look great together, when I saw it on homepage, I thought it was one piece :)
I knew this was going to be amazing, just from the title of your post! You have a wonderful collection of floriforms, and a beautiful and artistic way of showing them off, of course! :)
Just spectacular!!
Spectacular was my reaction too. To have ten is special !!!
Beautifully curated and photographed.
More swoon.
I quite agree, Sammyz, & much appreciated!
Thanks also, Mrstyndall!
Thanks so much, Michelle! So glad you're enjoying them!
Thank you most kindly, philmac51!
Thanks also, Kevin! It's taken me a couple of decades to get them, but well worth it. There's always room for a few more, too...
Thanks also, Wow22! I had fun putting this together...& the when it was time to pack up, I ended up doing some rearranging of the display cabinets, as you do...
Thanks so much, Karen! Aren't they fabulous? One of my favourite forms in art glass, that's for sure...
Many thanks, Alfred101!
You always have sunshine in your life as you garden shows!! Lovely presentation and collection!
Very beautiful and nicely presented.
Thanks so much, RichmondLori! That is really kind of you to say so!
Thanks also, Elisabethan!
Sumptuous and impressive collection of floriform, IronLace. What a visual delight to see these sitting on a table in a room. You have chosen well. Thanks for sharing!
Many thanks, Russel117! Always happy to share...
Splendid as individuals, but this group in in pic is outstanding!!!
Thanks so much, Pascale!