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C.G. Conn Ltd Elkhart Ind. Early 1920's 7"Bell 2H Trombone 250186 With Reynolds 8-A Mouthpiece (No Case)

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (593 items)

    This Trombone was a Flea Market find on 11/21/2020. When I saw this C.G. Conn Ltd. Trombone, I didn't think too much about it, because it was still dark out, and didn't look like much, but when I looked closer with my flashlight, and saw the engraving all over the Horn, I got interested, because I could see that it was done in a late 1800 to early 1900's style, which included the Makers Name C.G. Conn Ltd. and where it was made Elkhart Ind., it also has a Nude Woman standing on, or beside a Swan, and lots of detailing all around. On one side of the round Disc on top it's engraved C.G. Conn Ltd. and on the other side it's engraved Bennie Chappell(Owner, probably, or Engraver?).
    The Trombone was real dirty, could hardly move the Slide, but I thought that it was still a nice Wall Hanger, The price was right so I bought it! After I got it home I researched it, then decided to clean and polish it, everything slides and comes apart, and after polishing the Black Mouthpiece I found the makers name and size number. All of the Serial Numbers match, but I couldn't find one Just like it so not sure of the year it was made. :^D
    I have more information from Worthpoint, that I post in Comments later!

    Thank you for looking, all comments are welcome, and information is appreciated! :^D

    Please Stay Safe, always Wear a Mask and Social Distance, and try not to gather together! Let's all Help to Stop COVID-19! :^)

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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Here's more Info on this Trombone From Worthpoint, and YouTube:

      Thanks for Looking, and Wearing a Mask, to help stop COVID-19! :^)
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      This is great! I played the coronet and trumpet throughout middle school and high school in the 1970's. My trumpet was a Reynolds and my coronet was a Conn. Wish I still had them, but lost interest in playing when I graduated high school.
    3. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Thanks for your comment Scott, yeah I was the same played the Drums all through School, and a while after, I should've been a Rock Star! :^D Money got in the way of that Dream, and I became a Carpenter instead, probably better, because at the time I was a partyer, so would have been dead! I^Q I do still have my Ludwig Drum Set from the 60's though! :^D

      Thank you for the love that you gave, Tim and Scott, it's always nice to get! :^D
      Remember don't let your guard down or Mask, over the Holidays, Keep your Social Distance, and let's all knock COVID-19 Out! :^)
    4. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Hey dav2no1, thanks for the love! :^)
    5. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Thanks so much for taking a look and for giving a love for what you saw, Kevin(kwqd), Brian, Jenni, and Kevin(vetraio), it's appreciated! :^D

      Thank you for helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a Mask and Social distancing! :^)
    6. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      I played a trombone in my jr high school band, mine was (is) a newer CONN instrument in silverplate instead of brass. I was so proud of that thing, then, just because it was a little bit 'flashier' than my bandmates' horns... <lol> It is still hanging around here somewhere... ;-) :-) :-)
    7. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Hey Tim, thanks for your comment! This Trombone has a Gold Plated Bell, that you can in the first photo, that gives it that Flash that you would want for a Show Trombone! :^D

      Thank you for the love given, aura, and Lori, very nice of you both! :^D

      Masks are important for slowing the Spread of COVID-19 Please Wear one in Public! :^)

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