Posted 4 years ago
(3484 items)
These are all King Size models here and all are farm vehicles. The King Size models are of course much larger than the regular 1-75 series. The tractors are close to 3" long for example. Oddly the Combine Harvester and the Horse Truck and trailer were in scale with the regular sized tractor models.
The models seen here are the K-9 Claas Combine Harvester, K-11 Fordson Tractor With Hay Trailer, Kingsize No. 4 McCormick International Tractor andK-18 Articulated Horse Box. The red tractor is the International and is the oldest of the lot which was 1960-66. The others are all from 1967-1968.
The horse box is from a high class farm as can be seen by the luxurious passenger area for the human passengers. It is from Ascot Stables so go figure.
Next week will be the regular 1-75 farm models.
I love farm toys and these are all great!!
I love the travellers lounge in the horse float!
Cocktails available on request.
Thank you very much Scott.
Tahank you very much racer4four. It does look ne3at.
I don't think I've seen the big size farm equipment before. Perfect colors as usual from the genius "colorists" at Matchbox, I've said that many times before. I'm not a farm equipment expert, but my old man had a 750 Deere and I think I've met all the local manure spreaders...well maybe not all of them.
Thank you very much Toyrebel. Most King Size were construction but they did make nice tractors too. Tractors make good yard art.